Friday, October 19, 2007

Gmail Storage to 13 GB by the End of 2007

Regarding the post on the Gmail Official Blog, I made a simple calculation.
Based on my calculation Gmail will reach 13 gigabytes at the end of the 2007.

The formula/steps I used in calculation is
1. I get the increase value of the Gmail storage counter (I get the average out of the values I got)
2. I get the seconds per day
3. I get the total number of days up to the December 31, 2007 from now
4. I multiply the results of the step 1 and step 2, I got the total increased storage per day
5. I multiply the result of the step 4 by the result of step 3; I got the total increased storage up to December 31, 2007
6. I add the result of the step 5 by the current storage capacity

1. 0.001508, 0.001507, 0.001509 (unit in megabytes)
So I summed it up and divided by 3, I got 0.001508 megabytes
2. 60 seconds * 60 minutes * 24 hours
So I got 86400 seconds in a day
3. I count the total number of day from October 19, 2007 up to December 31, 2007
I got 73 days
4. I multiply 0.001508 megabytes by 86400 seconds
I got 130.2912 megabytes
5. I multiply 130.2912 megabytes by 73 days
I got 9511.2576 megabytes
6. I add 9511.258 megabytes by 3783.346605 megabytes
I got 13294.604205 megabytes

PS. this is only my estimation

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007 -- Windows Vista Clone

Do you believe it’s Linux? is a Fedora-based Linux distribution designed to be
  • Absolutely free, in every sense
  • spread linux to the "masses".
  • ABN - AbsolutelyNo Config.
  • User-Friendly.
  • Eye-catching.
  • Familiar look and Feel
More Screenshots here

Official Website:

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Friday, October 5, 2007

Internet Explorer 7 now WGA-free

For those with non-legitimate or pirated copies of Windows
can now get IE 7 from Microsoft’s official website.

Download: Internet Explorer 7

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