Friday, October 19, 2007

Gmail Storage to 13 GB by the End of 2007

Regarding the post on the Gmail Official Blog, I made a simple calculation.
Based on my calculation Gmail will reach 13 gigabytes at the end of the 2007.

The formula/steps I used in calculation is
1. I get the increase value of the Gmail storage counter (I get the average out of the values I got)
2. I get the seconds per day
3. I get the total number of days up to the December 31, 2007 from now
4. I multiply the results of the step 1 and step 2, I got the total increased storage per day
5. I multiply the result of the step 4 by the result of step 3; I got the total increased storage up to December 31, 2007
6. I add the result of the step 5 by the current storage capacity

1. 0.001508, 0.001507, 0.001509 (unit in megabytes)
So I summed it up and divided by 3, I got 0.001508 megabytes
2. 60 seconds * 60 minutes * 24 hours
So I got 86400 seconds in a day
3. I count the total number of day from October 19, 2007 up to December 31, 2007
I got 73 days
4. I multiply 0.001508 megabytes by 86400 seconds
I got 130.2912 megabytes
5. I multiply 130.2912 megabytes by 73 days
I got 9511.2576 megabytes
6. I add 9511.258 megabytes by 3783.346605 megabytes
I got 13294.604205 megabytes

PS. this is only my estimation

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007 -- Windows Vista Clone

Do you believe it’s Linux? is a Fedora-based Linux distribution designed to be
  • Absolutely free, in every sense
  • spread linux to the "masses".
  • ABN - AbsolutelyNo Config.
  • User-Friendly.
  • Eye-catching.
  • Familiar look and Feel
More Screenshots here

Official Website:

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Friday, October 5, 2007

Internet Explorer 7 now WGA-free

For those with non-legitimate or pirated copies of Windows
can now get IE 7 from Microsoft’s official website.

Download: Internet Explorer 7

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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Keep Your Computer Free From Viruses

Some useful free antivirus packages for Windows free to download and install for personal use.
There is also some free online virus scanners available. It is not a permanent solution but offers help in those emergencies.

Antivirus Packages

Avira AntiVir® PersonalEdition Classic

avast! 4 Home Edition

AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition

ClamWin Free Antivirus

BitDefender 10 Free Edition

Online Virus Scanners

Trend Micro™ HouseCall

McAfee FreeScan

F-Secure Online Scanner

Kaspersky Free Virus Scan

BitDefender Online Scanner


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

MS Excel 2007 can't multiply correctly

Simply when you try to multiply the following numbers in MS Excel 2007!!!


the answer in Excel 2007 is 10000
but the right answer is 65535

Source: microsoft.public.excel newsgroup


Friday, September 21, 2007

Online Services to Send Large Files via Email

Modern free email services only allow to send an attachment upto 10Mb or 20Mb.
With the following free services we can send an attachment upto 100Mb or 300Mb depends on their offer.



Thursday, September 20, 2007

Google Shared Stuff

What is Google Shared Stuff?
It is basically a bookmarklet that you add to your browser's toolbar, which enables you to share or email a web page to your friends.

Read more on Google Shared Stuff help page.
Shared Stuff from People You Know.
